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Hawaii Fires Response

As a result of wildfires on multiple islands, our Foursquare family faced unimaginable destruction, with lives lost, homes destroyed, and families displaced.

Reports from the Foursquare Pacific District have shared that two churches were directly impacted and several Foursquare members have lost their homes.

Our team organized relief efforts in collaboration with Foursquare Pacific DistrictFoursquare Chaplains, and local Foursquare leaders to provide aid.

Ways to Get Involved



Pray for safety, rapid repair, and ongoing care for our Foursquare community in Hawaii + all residents displaced by the fires.

Prayer is a powerful + profound way you can help.



Your donation to the Ready Fund will go towards meeting practical needs like providing supplies and temporary housing.



One of the best ways we gain traction is by getting more community members involved. Share this page with your church, friends + family or on social @foursquaredisasterrelief.

Pastors + leaders, please these resources to share with your church or community to partner with Foursquare Disaster Relief in responding to the fires in Hawaii.

Hawaii Action Kit

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