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Agents of Relief

Lucindra Williams
Lucindra Williams

February 14, 2021, is a date that most people would easily recognize as Valentine’s Day. However, those of us who live in Texas will forever remember that day as the first day of a weeklong winter storm of record proportion. We experienced freezing rain and snow accumulation. Thousands of people lost power and water.

In the days to follow, Texans sought help for shelter, food and water. Our church received frantic calls for help and support. But then, something happened. Relief came. Relief came in the form of plumbers and handymen fixing pipes. It came in the form of phone calls and texts offering help. It came in the form of Foursquare Disaster Relief trucks bringing food and water. Relief came.

The thing that did not escape me was that every time relief came, it came in the form of a person or people. We are and always will be God’s plan for bringing relief, comfort, truth and hope to the world. We are truly His agents of love and mercy. Psalm 46:1 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (NKJV). As agents of His love, God’s help often looks a lot like you and me.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. What storms are you currently facing? As you reflect on Ps. 46:1, allow God to remind you of His ever-present faithfulness to you.
  2. As you pray, consider how God can use you to be an agent of relief to those around you who are crying out for relief in the aftermath of their personal storms.
  3. Ask God how you can lead your church to partner with relief efforts and organizations in your area.